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Writer's picturePrince Altidor

getting the greenhouse cad almost finish

the cadis nearly done i think so at least but this weeks bigest wall in the road was the trial anderror phase i went through withtrying how to make mitered edged on a trapizoid but as i wsa think and createing such a beautiful cad designi relized this wont work so for precaution i got a efficency check from Mr.L and he confirmed what i was already thinking and also helped me by giving me the idea to use the aluminuim angle joints that you would see on a large out door scale green house and i belive thisis the bestway to go about the time and i will use the metal bender and try to use the same degree of bend through out the whole top portion not only this will make it easier for the project but it will add rigidity to it and make it a lot more robust

so what was described above changed i talked with MR.L and went with the same dseign but a diffrent route i am no longer using the miterd edges and i will be creating special brackets for the corner parts of the top and this will add rigidity making it a lot better


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